1. Where the order of suspension of an Inspector was made by an Assistant commandant he shall forth with report to
a) DC
b) Commandant
c) DIG
d) Asst. comdt. cannot suspend an Inspector
2. Where the order of suspension of an EMOF was made by an authority lower than the appointing authority
a) Approval of immediate superior shall be obtained within 30 days
b) Approval of appointing authority shall be obtained within 30 days
c) Approval of appointing authority shall be obtained within 10 days
d) No approval is required
3. An EMOF shall be deemed to have been placed under suspension
a) By the order of appointing authority
b) By the order of any disciplinary authority
c) By an authority subordinate to appointing authority
d) All of the above
4. An EMOF shall be deemed to have been placed under suspension
a) When he is convicted by court of law for a period exceeding 48 hrs
b) When he is detained under police custody for a period exceeding 48 hrs
c) Both ‘a’ and ‘b’
d) None of the above
5. Suspension order of an Inspector was made by an assistant commandant. Then the appeal shall lie with
a) Dy Commandant
b) Commandant
c) DIG
d) IG
6. Which among the following is not a major penalty
a) Compulsory retirement
b) Reduction to a lower rank
c) Withholding of promotion
d) Reduction to a lower stage in time scale of pay for 4years
7. Which among the following is not a minor penalty
a) Censure
b) Fine not exceeding 7 days pay
c) Reduction to a lower stage in time scale of pay for 4years
d) None of the above
8. In deserving cases a person dismissed is eligible for
a) Pension
b) Gratuity
c) Both pension and gratuity
d) Compassionate allowance
9. A person suspended shall be entitled for
a) Full pay and allowances
b) Half pay
c) Only subsistence allowance
d) Not entitled for any pay or allowances
10. During review of suspension the subsistence allowance may be
a) Increased by 50%
b) Decreased by 50%
c) May be increased or decreased by 50%
d) Can not be increased or decreased
Answer Key :
1.(c) 2.(b) 3.(a) 4.(c) 5.(d) 6.(c) 7.(d) 8.(d) 9.(c) 10.(c)
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