Act and Rules..18


 Click Here for :- Part-17

1.  Which method is forbidden for getting redressal of grievances

a)      Raising point in roll calls

b)      Raising point in sainink sammelan

c)      Giving petition in writing

d)     Bringing political influence


2. Order placing an EMOF under suspension can be issued

a)      Before issue of charge sheet

b)     During trial by court

c)      After issue of charge sheet

d)     In all the above cases


3. An EMOF can be suspended

a)      Where his continuance prejudices inquiry

b)     Where his continuance seriously subverts discipline

c)      Where he is involved public scandal affecting image of the employer

d)     In all the above instances


4. A Suspended MOF

a)      Looses lien

b)     Suffers reduction in rank

c)      Ceases to be a public servant

d)     None of  the above


5.  An EMOF is deemed to have been placed under suspension if he is convicted and sentenced to imprisonment exceeding 48 hrs

a)      From the date of conviction

b)     From the date of expiry of 48 hrs

c)      From the date of issue of order

d)     None of the above


6.  Where an order of dismissal is set aside by a court and the disciplinary authority decides to hold further inquiry the EMOF is deemed to be under suspension

a)      Where the Court passed the orders into the merits of the case

b)     Where the court passed the order on technical grounds

c)      From the date of the court order

d)     In all the above cases


7.  A MOF is entitled to treatment of the period of absence as period spent on duty and of full pay and allowances where the order of dismissal is set aside

a)      On ground of non compliance with Art 311(2) of constitution

b)     On ground of technical flaw

c)      For non production of all evidence

d)     In all the above instances


8. Charge is not vitiated

a)      Where certain particulars of misconduct like date, time, place are not mentioned

b)     Where conduct rule violated is not mentioned

c)      Where opinion is expressed about guilt of the charged employee

d)     Where proposed penalty is not specified


9.  Charged EMOF is entitled to

a)      Supply of copies of previous statements of witnesses examined at the enquiry

b)     Examination of witnesses required for his defence

c)      Production of documents required for his defence

d)     All the above


10.  Charged EMOF is entitled to be assisted by a legal practioner

a)      where presenting officer is a legal practitioner

b)     where the presenting officer is a legally trained mind

c)      both ‘a’ and ‘b’

d)     only ‘a’


Answer Key

1.(d)    2.(d)    3.(d)    4.(d)    5.(a)    6.(b)    7.(d)    8.(d)    9.(d)    10.(c)


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