1. Antonym of TRAGIC
A. funny
B. comic
C. light
D. humorous
2. Antonym of DIABOLIC
A. patient
B. generous
C. kind
D. simple
Idiom & Phrases
3. To show the white feather
A. To show signs of cowardice
B. To seek peace
C. To show arrogance
D. To become polite
4. A sop to cerberus
A. Bribery
B. Hush money
C. Ransom to an enemy
D. Money for compensation
5. To look down one's nose at
A. To backbite
B. To show anger
C. To insult in the presence of others
D. To regard with half-hidden displeasure or contempt
6. To cut the cackle
A. To humiliate
B. To annoy someone
C. To act in a friendly way
D. To stop talking and start
7. To pour oil in troubled water
A. To foment trouble
B. To add to the trouble
C. To instigate
D. To calm a quarrel with soothing words
8. To rip up old sores
A. To revive a quarrel which was almost forgotten
B. To censure someone in strong terms
C. To strain one's thoughts to the most
D. To preserve oneself from harm
9. To leave no avenue unexplored
A. To call in question
B. To roam about
C. To try every source
D. To depend on
10. To give one a long rope
A. To speak ill of
B. To get into trouble
C. To dismiss
D. To allow a man to continue his mistakes or crimes
Answer Key :
1.(b) 2.(c) 3.(a) 4.(c) 5.(d) 6.(d) 7.(d) 8.(a) 9.(c) 10.(d)
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