Idiom Phrases...4

 1. The *mealy-mouthed* politician succeeded in influencing the voters.

A. ill-tempered

B. soft-tongued

C. cunning

D. ambitious


2. Pell-mell

A. In hurried disorder

B. Gaiety and excitement

C. Extremely worried

D. None of these


3. To hold a brief for

A. To help someone

B. To do someone a favour

C. To stay on for a brief period

D. To defend someone


4. To take a leaf out of somebody's book

A. To take him as a model

B. To steal something valuable

C. To follow the dictates of someone

D. To conform to others standard


5. To strike one's colours

A. To fight vigorously

B. To work hard

C. To surrender

D. To make a rude gesture


6. A cock and bull story

A. A true story

B. A children's story

C. A story of animals

D. A foolish and concocted story

7. To cut the Gordian knot

A. To solve a difficult problem

B. To be victorious

C. To break ties with someone

D. To defeat a powerful person


8. I *sent him about his business* as I could stand his insolence no longer.

A. broke the partnership with him

B. requested him to bother someone else

C. dismissed him peremptorily

D. abused him heartily

9. The casting vote of the chairman *clinched the issue*.

A. closed

B. decided

C. finished

D. started


10. Once in a blue moon

A. Once in a month

B. Bi-weekly

C. On rare occasions

D. Every now and then

Answer Key

1 (c) 2 (a) 3 (d) 4 (a) 5 (c) 6 (d) 7 (a) 8 (c) 9 (b) 10 (c)
