1. Sunadhya singh had to stand on his feet very early in his life.
(A) to stand erect
(B) to be successful
(C) to be independent
(D) to be physically strong
2. It is high time he came out of his shell.
(A) became a loser
(B) appeared suddenly
(C) removed his clothes
(D) became more sociable
3. to cast aspersions.
(A) to act as the pillar of support
(B) to make unpleasant remarks
(C) to raise aspirants
(D) to dissolve all the differences
4. His blood ran cold when he heard his uncle was murdered.
(A) he was horrified
(B) he was frightened
(C) he was disgusted
(D) he was depressed
5. This is so simple that even a man in the street can understand it.
(A) a stranger
(B) an illiterate person
(C) an ordinary person
(D) an unknown person
6. A bolt from the blue.
(A) an unexpected and unpleasant
(B) a delayed event
(C) an inexplicable event
(D) an unpleasant event
7. To strain every nerve
(A) to be methodical in work
(B) to be a diligent worker
(C) to make utmost efforts
(D) to feel weak and tired
8. To die in harness.
(A) to be taken by surprise
(B) premeditated murder
(C) dying young in an accident
(D) to die while in service
9. The little girl with her flawless performance stole the show.
(A) won everybody’s praise
(B) crept into the show
(C) stole something from the show
(D) disappeared from the show
10. To doctor the accounts.
(A) to manipulate the accounts
(B) to verify the accounts in detail
(C) to clear the doctors bill
(D) to make changes in account books
Answer Key :
1.(c), 2.(d), 3.(b), 4.(b), 5.(c), 6.(a), 7.(c), 8.(d), 9.(a), 10.(a)
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