1. One who lives and works for the welfare of others.
A. Alliteration
B. Alimony
C. Altruist
D. Allegory
2. Not professional.
A. Ambassador
B. Ambidextrous
C. Amateur
D. Ambiguous
3. Partial or total loss of memory.
A. Amnesia
B. Amnesty
C. Amphibian
D. Analgesia
4. Short amusing story about some real person or event.
A. Anecdote
B. Anarchy
C. Anniversary
D. Annual
5. Yearly return of the date of an event
A. Anecdote
B. Anarchy
C. Anniversary
D. Annual
6. That which happens once in a year
A. Anecdote
B. Anarchy
C. Anniversary
D. Annual
7. Animals which live in water
A. Aristocracy
B. Astrology
C. Arbitrator/Arbiter
D. Aquatic
8. A government by the nobles.
A. Aristocracy
B. Astrology
C. Arbitrator/Arbiter
D. Aquatic
9. A general pardon of political offenders
A. Amnesia
B. Amnesty
C. Amphibian
D. Analgesia
10. A designated section of seats in any part of a theatre.
A. Amnesia
B. Amnesty
C. Amphitheatre
D. Analgesia
Answer Key
1 (c), 2 (c), 3 (a), 4 (a), 5 (c), 6 (d), 7 (d), 8 (a), 9 (b), 10 (c)
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