One Word Substitution...5

 1. One who belongs to different country race of group ?

(A) Aggressor.

(B) Alien.

(C) Alimony.

(D) Allegory.


2. Doubtful about the existence of god ?

(A) Agnosticism.

(B) Afforestation.

(C) Advertisement.

(D) Addendum.


3. A public notice offering or asking for goods, services, etc. ?

(A) Agnosticism.

(B) Afforestation.

(C) Advertisement.

(D) Addendum.


4. Word formed from initial letters of a name?

(A) Abstruse

(B) Acronym.

(C) Abundance.

(D) Abstruse.


5. Things to be added at the end of a book etc.?

(A) Agnosticism.

(B) Afforestation.

(C) Advertisement.

(D) Addendum.


6. Story in which ideas are symbolized as people?

(A) Aggressor.

(B) Alien.

(C) Alimony.

(D) Allegory.


7. Allowance fixed after divorced to a wife ?

(A) Aggressor.

(B) Alien.

(C) Alimony.

(D) Allegory.


8. A quantity that is more than enough?

(A) Abstruse

(B) Acronym.

(C) Abundance.

(D) Abstruse.


9. To formally give up?

(A) Abattoir.

(B) Abbot.

(C) Abbreviation.

(D) Abdication.


10. A man who is the head of a monastery or an abbey?

(A) Abattoir.

(B) Abbot.

(C) Abbreviation.

(D) Abdication.


Answer key

1  (b), 2  (a), 3  (c), 4  (b), 5  (d), 6  (d), 7  (c), 8  (c), 9  (d), 10  (b)
