One Word Substitution...15

 1. Not familiar

(a) Swamps

(b) Foundling

(c) Pessimist

(d) Alien


2. Helpful in a friendly way

(a) Obligingly

(b) Punter

(c) Asylum

(d) Infallible


3. A small floor that is between two main levels

(a) Sibling

(b) Marshes

(c) Asylum

(d) Mezzanine or building


4. A person who leaves a country or region to live in another one

(a) Immigrant

(b) Emigrant

(c) Swamps

(d) Pessimist


5. A narrow area of land that connects two larger pieces or land

(a) Emigrant

(b) Isthmus

(c) Sibling

(d) Asylum


6. Doing something willing is

(a) Immigrant

(b) Voluntarily

(c) Marshes

(d) Emigrant


7. Sanctuary, refuge

(a) Emigrant

(b) Foundling

(c) Infallible

(d) Asylum


8. A person who comes to a country to live there

(a) Pessimist

(b) Punter

(c) Immigrant

(d) Swamps


9. An area of soft, wet land that has many grasses and other plants

(a) Sibling

(b) Marshes

(c) Infallible

(d) Asylum


10. Land that is always wet and often partly covered with water

(a) Immigrant

(b) Pessimist

(c) Punter

(d) Swamps


11. A baby that is found after being left by its parents

(a) Foundling

(b) Swamps

(c) Infallible

(d) Punter



Answer Key

1(d)   2(a)    3(d)    4(b)    5(b)    6(b)    7(d)    8(c)    9(b)    10(d)    11(a)  

