One Word Substitution...16

 1. A feeling or belief that what you hope for will not happen

(a) Punter

(b) Foundling

(c) Swamps

(d) Pessimist


2. Not capable of being wrong or making mistakes

(a) Sibling

(b) Asylum

(c) Infallible

(d) Marshes


3. Someone who makes a bet

(a) Immigrant

(b) Punter

(c) Sibling

(d) Marshes


4. A feeling or belief that what you hope for will happen

(a) Infallible

(b) Pessimist

(c) Swamps

(d) Optimist


5. A small room in a house in which food is stored

(a) Asylum

(b) Sibling

(c) Pantry

(d) Punter


6. A brother or sister

(a) Immigrant

(b) Infallible

(c) Marshes

(d) Sibling


7. A row of columns supporting a roof at the entrance of a building

(a) Portico

(b) Foundling

(c) Infallible

(d) Swamps


8. An area that is not close to any cities or towns

(a) Voluntarily

(b) Hinterland

(c) Pessimist

(d) Immigrant


9. Pretender or one who deceives

(a) Sibling

(b) Immigrant

(c) Hypocrite

(d) Asylum


10. Usually poor and dirty child who annoys people or causes minor trouble

(a) Punter

(b) Marshes

(c) Urchin

(d) Infallible


Answer Key

1(d)   2(c)    3(b)    4(d)    5(c)    6(d)    7(a)    8(b)    9(c)    10(c)  

