One Word Substitution...18

 1.   A number of ships

a.   Fleet

b.   Galaxy

c.    Constellation

d.   Group


2.   Parts of a country behind the coast or a river bank.

a.    Swamps

b.   Marshes

c.    Hinterland

d.   Isthmuses


3.   Fear of height?

a.    Agoraphobia

b.   Hydrophobia

c.    Acrophobia

d.   Pyrophobia


4.   Release of a prisoner from jail on certain terms and condition ?

a.   Parole

b.   Parley

c.    Pardon

d.   Acquittal


5.   To struggle helplessly?

a.   Flounder

b.   Founder

c.    Fumble

d.   Finger


6.   One who is a citizen not of a country but of the world ?

a.    Bohemian

b.   Cosmopolitan

c.    Philanthropist

d.   Internationalist


7.   A continuous process of change is known as

a.    Transformation

b.   Metamorphosis

c.    Flux

d.   Dynamism


8.   Words of similar meaning

a.    Homonyms

b.   Pseudonyms

c.    Antonyms

d.   Synonyms

9.   A person who loves mankind ?

a.    Misanthrope

b.   Anthropologist

c.    Philanthropist

d.   Mercenary


10.       One who cannot speak?

a.    Deaf

b.   Dumb

c.    Visionless

d.   Lame

Answer key

1(a) 2(c) 3(c) 4(a) 5(a) 6(b) 7(c) 8(d) 9(c) 10(b)  
