One Word Substitution...6

 1. Give more force or importance to ?

(A) Ablution.

(B) Abstruse.

(C) Accentuate.

(D) Accomplice.


2. Items of business for consideration at a meeting?

(A) Audience

(B) Atheist

(C) Agenda

(D) Autobiography


3. Partner in crime?

(A) Ablution.

(B) Abstruse.

(C) Accentuate.

(D) Accomplice.


4. The life-history of a man written by himself ?

(A) Audience

(B) Atheist

(C) Agenda

(D) Autobiography


5. A government by one person ?

(A) Avaricious

(B) Autocracy

(C) Bay

(D) Beach


6. A stretch of sand/stones along the edge of the sea/lake ?

(A) Avaricious

(B) Autocracy

(C) Bay

(D) Beach


7. The state of being unmarried (of a man) ?

(A) Bachelorhood

(B) Bankrupt/Insolvent

(C) Bellicose

(D) Biennial


8. An assembly of listeners ?

(A) Audience

(B) Atheist

(C) Agenda

(D) Autobiography


9. A person unable to pay his debts ?

(A) Bachelorhood

(B) Bankrupt/Insolvent

(C) Bellicose

(D) Biennial


10. A person who is fond of fighting?

(A) Bachelorhood

(B) Bankrupt/Insolvent

(C) Bellicose

(D) Biennial


Answer key

1  (c), 2  (c), 3  (d), 4  (d), 5  (b), 6  (d), 7  (a), 8  (a), 9  (b), 10  (c)
