
 1. Find the correctly spelt word.

A. Skillful

B. Skillfull

C. Skiilful

D. Skilfull


2. Find the correctly spelt word.

A. Budgetary

B. Budgetry

C. Budgetery

D. Bugetary


3. Find the correctly spelt word.

A. Pitiaeble

B. Pitiable

C. Pitiaable

D. Pitiabale


4. Find the correctly spelt word.

A. Receding

B. Receeding

C. Reeceding

D. Recedeing


5. Find the correctly spelt word.

A. Arangemant

B. Arrangement

C. Arrangment

D. Arangement


6. Find the correctly spelt word.

A. Commission

B. Commisson

C. Commision

D. Comission


7. Find the correctly spelt word.

A. Septaganarian

B. Septagenarian

C. Septuaganarian

D. Septuagenarian


8. Find the correctly spelt word.

A. Lauriate

B. Laureat

C. Laureate

D. Lauriat


9. Find the correctly spelt word.

A. Incumbent

B. Incumbant

C. Incambant

D. Incambent



10.Find the correctly spelt word.

A. Comander

B. Commander

C. Commandor

D. Comandar


Answer Key :
1.(a)  2.(a)  3.(b)  4.(a)  5.(b)   6.(a)  7.(d)  8.(c)  9.(a)  10.(b)
