1. The significance of the Battle of Buxar was?
A. Company’s supremacy of bengal
B. Mir Jafar Became the Nawab
C. Fine on Awadh
D. Mughal empire was influenced
2.Who was the 1st to hold the office of the Governor General of India?
A. Lord Dalhousie
B. Robert clive
C. Warren Hastings
D. Lord William Bentinck
3. The Kovvada Nuclear Park project is proposed to be setup in which state?
A. Karnataka
B. Andhra Pradesh
C. Rajasthan
D. Uttar Pradesh
4.Which of the following domesticated animals was absent in the terracottas of the indus civilization ?
A. sheep
B. Buffalo
C. Cow
D. Dog
5.Which amonth the following is the sacred book of the Buddhists ?
A. Tripitaka
B. Vedas
C. Upanishad
D. Jatakas
6. The world’s largest island is?
A. New Guinea
B. Iceland
C. Greenland
D. Madagascar
7. Alexander defeated_____________ in the battle of Hydaspes?
A. Chandragupta Maurya
B. Herakles
C. Eudemus
D. Porus
8. When the state of Satara included in British sovereignty by the principle of Doctrine of Lapse?
A. 1773
B. 1784
C. 1848
D. 1854
9. The original name of Swami Dayanand Saraswati was?
A. Gowri Shankar
B. Daya Shankar
C. Mul Shankar
D. Abhi Shankar
10. Which British gpvernor general introduced postage stamp in india?
A. Lord Auckland
B. Lord Canning
C. Lord Dalhousie
D. Lord William Bentinck
Answer Key :
1.(a) 2.(d) 3.(b) 4.(c) 5.(a) 6.(c) 7.(d) 8.(c) 9.(c) 10.(c)
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