1. To throw up the sponge
A. to accept the challenge
B. to admit defeat
C. to forget the past offences
D. to send message
2. of the deepest dye
A. of the most colorless type
B. of the colorless type
C. of the worst/ extreme type
D. of the best type
3. To clean the Augean stables
A. to buy horses
B. to sell horses
C. to purge/clean the administration of its abuses
D. to improve working conditions
4. To have no truck with
A. to have no dealings with
B. have no means of conveyance
C. scientifically backward
D. to have no trade with
5. Much ado about nothing
A. to play false
B. to make a fuss
C. to add
D. to take something seriously
6. Mother wit
A. silly
B. university
C. to have an intelligent mother
D. common sense
7. A blind date
A. death-day
B. a cloudy day
C. unknown future
D. meeting with someone you do not know
8. A grass widow
A. a woman whose husband is temporarily away from her
B. a working old woman
C. a young widow
D. widow who has illicit relations with men
9. Mad as a march hare
A. as mad as a hare in spring
B. slightly touched in the brain
C. intoxicated
D. sane
10. To play possum
A. to play hide and seek
B. to cheat somebody
C. to play seriously
D. to feign ignorance or pretend the be sleeping or dead
Answer key
1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (c) 4 (a) 5 (b) 6 (d) 7 (d) 8 (a) 9 (a) 10 (d)
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