One Liner GK (English)...3

 1. World's largest temple?

Answer:- Temple of Angkor Wat, Cambodia


2. World's largest island ?

Answer :- Greenland

 Best of one liner GK Hindi

3. The world's largest delta?

Answer:- Sundarban Delta, West Bengal


4. World's longest railway platform?

Answer:- Kharagpur, West Bengal


5. The longest and deepest railway tunnel in the world?

Answer:- Gotthard Base Tunnel, Switzerland


6. The world's tallest mosque?

Answer: Sultan Hassan Mosque, Cairo, Egypt


7. The Largest Statue in the World ?

Answer:- Statue of Unity, Gujarat, India


8. World's biggest Epic?

Answer:- Mahabharata

  Best of one liner GK Hindi

9. The world's largest mammal?

Answer :- Blue whale


10. The world's deepest ocean?

Answer:- Pacific Ocean
