

 1. Find the odd number/letters from the given alternatives.

A. Swimming

B. Sailing

C. Diving

D. Driving

2. Find the odd number/letters/word from the given alternative.
A. 5720

B. 6710

C. 2640

D. 4270

3. Find the odd number/letters/word from the given alternative.
A. Discernment

B. Perception

C. Penetration

D. Insinuation

4. Find the odd number/letters from the given alternatives.




5. Find the odd number/letters from the given alternatives.
A. 626

B. 841

C. 962

D. 1090

6. Four words are given, out of which three are the same in a certain way while the rest one is different. Find out the different ones.
A. Teacher

B. Principal

C. Student

D. Lecturer

7. Four words are given, out of which three are the same in a certain way while the rest one is different. Find out the different ones.

A. Bird

B. Kite

C. Crow

D. Sparrow

8. Four words are given, out of which three are the same in a certain way while the rest one is different. Find out the different ones.

A. Bowl

B. Spoon

C. Cup

D. Bouquet

9. Find out the pair of numbers that do not belong to the group for lack of common property :
A. 16-18

B. 56-63

C. 96-108

D. 86-99

10. Find the odd number/letters from the given alternatives.




Answer Key :
1. Answer: Option D
Swimming, Sailing and, Diving is related to water. So, Driving is an odd one.  

 2.Answer: Option D
5720 → 5+2+0 = 7 (Second digit from Right)
6710 → 6+1+0 = 7 (Second digit from Right)
2640 → 2+4+0 = 6 (Second digit from Right)
4270 → 4+7+0 = 11 ( Not the second digit from Right)

   3.Answer: Option D
Discernment, Perception, and Penetration are in meaning.

  4. Answer: Option C
PQXZ → No vowel.
CQBN → No vowel.
PRMN → No vowel.
ABDF → One vowel.

  5.Answer: Option B
626-1 = 625 = 25*25.
962-1 = 961 = 31*31.
1090-1 = 1089 = 33*33.
841-1 = 840 (not a perfect square).

Otherwise, 841 is a perfect square of 29, other are not a perfect square.

6.  Answer: Option C
Teachers, Principals, and lecturers are connected with the teaching profession.

  7. Answer: Option A
Kite, Crow and Sparrow are names of the Birds.

   8. Answer: Option D
Bowl, Spoon, and Cup are utensils.

   9.  Answer: Option D
All the rest are in the ratio of 8:9.

  10.  Answer: Option D
ABYZ → (B+Y = 2+25 = 27) and (A+Z = 1+26 = 27.)
CDWX → (D+W = 4+23 = 27) and (C+X = 3+24 = 27.)
EFUV → (F+U = 6+21 = 27) and (E+V = 5+22 = 27.)
GHTV → (H+T = 8+20 = 28) and (7+22 = 29.)
