One Word Substitution...20

 1. A short statement of a general truth.

(A) Missionary

(B) Maxim

(C) Parasite

(D) Paramour



2. Persuade by flattery

(A) Congregation

(B) Capsize

(C) Cajole

(D) Boorish


3. Wise

(A) Platitude

(B) Polygon

(C) Prudent

(D) Regicide


4. Someone who is unable to walk normally because of an injury or disability to the legs or back.

(A) Diurnal  

(B) Cripple

(C) Curfew

(D) Depraved


5. Practice of spying

(A) Dynasty

(B) Draw

(C) Epitome

(D) Espionage


6. A person sent to teach Christian religion.

(A) Missionary

(B) Maxim

(C) Parasite

(D) Paramour



7. Killing of a king

(A) Platitude

(B) Polygon

(C) Prudent

(D) Regicide


8. An order that certain activities/movnt are prohibited.

(A) Diurnal  

(B) Cripple

(C) Curfew

(D) Depraved


9. Perfect happiness.

(A) Bliss

(B) Cab driver

(C) Cabby

(D) Both B & C


10. One who entirely depends on another.

(A) Missionary

(B) Maxim

(C) Parasite

(D) Paramour

Answer Key

1.(b) 2.(c) 3.(c) 4.(b) 5.(d) 6.(a) 7.(d) 8.(c) 9.(a) 10.(c)  
