
 1. Engaging or ready to engage in physically energetic pursuits.

(a) Active

(b) Ingenuous

(c) Smart

(d) Frank


2. Having or showing skill.

(a) Confident

(b) Vigilant

(c) Shy

(d) Skillful


3. Stubbornly refusing to change one's opinion or course of action.

(a) Climb

(b) Obdurate

(c) Sink

(d) Drown


4. Keeping careful watch for possible danger or difficulties.

(a) Confident

(b) Vigilant

(c) Shy

(d) Skillful


5. Well dressed.

(a) Active

(b) Ingenuous

(c) Smart

(d) Frank


6. Feeling or showing confidence in oneself or one's abilities or qualities.

(a) Confident

(b) Vigilant

(c) Shy

(d) Skillful


7. Innocent and unsuspecting.

(a) Active

(b) Ingenuous

(c) Smart

(d) Frank


8. Nervous or timid in the company of other people.

(a) Confident

(b) Vigilant

(c) Shy

(d) Skillful


9. Especially when dealing with unpalatable matters.

(a) Active

(b) Ingenuous

(c) Smart

(d) Frank


10. Go down below the surface of something.

(a) Climb

(b) Obdurate

(c) Sink

(d) Drown



Answer Key

1(a)   2(d)    3(b)    4(b)    5(c)    6(a)    7(b)    8(c)    9(d)    10(c)  
