
 1. Mutual trust and friendship

(A) Careless

(B) Censure

(C) Camaraderie

(D) Cessation


2. Uninterested

(A) Acquitted

(B) Apathetic

(C) Accomplish

(D) Adamant



3. Ancient, very old

(A) Antique

(B) Capture

(C) Bluntly

(D) Bleak



4. Discharge from a criminal charge

(A) Acquitted

(B) Apathetic

(C) Accomplish

(D) Adamant



5. Using both hands equally well

(A) Ambidextrous  

(B) affirmation

(C) acknowledge

(D) Amuse


6. Awful; terrible

(A) Appalling

(B) Artificial

(C) Assert

(D) Callous



7.  To achieve or complete successfully

(A) Acquitted

(B) Apathetic

(C) Accomplish

(D) Adamant



8. To take control; to seize

(A) Antique

(B) Capture

(C) Bluntly

(D) Bleak



9. Determind

(A) Acquitted

(B) Apathetic

(C) Accomplish

(D) Adamant



10. Acknowledgement

(A) Ambidextrous  

(B) Affirmation

(C) Acknowledge

(D) Amuse

Answer Key :
1.(c)   2.(b)   3.(a)  4.(a)  5.(a)   6.(a)   7.(c)   8.(b)    9.(d)    10.(b)
