1. Warm and Friendly?
(A) Amicable.
(B) Amiable.
(C) Ancestors
(D) Both ‘A & B’
2. An illness?
(A) Ailment.
(B) Accrue.
(C) Adorn.
(D) Amass.
3. Moderate or restrained?
(A) Abstemious
(B) Abuse.
(C) Abyss.
(D) Accomplish.
4. End a law or an agreement?
(A) Accentuate
(B) Abrogate
(C) Abated.
(D) Abandon.
5. Reduced?
(A) Accentuate
(B) Abrogate
(C) Abated.
(D) Abandon.
6. Make someone aware of or familiar with?
(A) Ailment.
(B) Acquire.
(C) Adorn.
(D) Amass.
7. Buy or obtain?
(A) Ailment.
(B) Acquire.
(C) Adorn.
(D) Amass.
8. One’s opponent?
(A) Adversary.
(B) Advance.
(C) Acute.
(D) Absurdity.
9. Suggest Indirectly; hint at?
(A) Affiliate.
(B) Agreeable.
(C) Allude.
(D) Allegiance.
10. Unfavorable?
(A) Accumulate.
(B) Acquaint.
(C) Adequate.
(D) Adverse.
Answer Key :
1.(d) 2.(a) 3.(a) 4.(b) 5.(c) 6.(c) 7.(b) 8.(a) 9.(c) 10.(d)
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