Day & years...2

 1.When is the World Population Day observed?

A. May 31

B. October 4

C. December 10

D. July 11


2.The birthday of which of the leader in India is observed as Children's day?

A. Mahatma Gandhi

B. S.Radhakrishnan

C. Rajiv Gandhi

D. Jawaharlal Nehru


3.Which day is observed as World No Smoking Day ?

A. 15th July

B. 31st December

C. 1st January

D. 31st May


4.January 15 is celebrated as the

A. Republic Day

B. Ugadhi

C. Teachers' Day

D. Army Day


5.Which day is observed as World Food Day?

A. September 10

B. August 16

C. November 4

D. October 16

6.India Celebrates February 28 every year as 'National Science Day' because on this day

A. first Indian Space craft was launched

B. Nehru laid the foundation of Science labs all over India

C. in 1928 C.V. Raman discovered what was later called the 'Raman Effect'

D. Vikram Sarabhai was born


7.World Human Rights Day is observed on

A. April 8

B. December 10

C. December 7

D. September 5


8.'Rosh Hashanah' is the new year's day of which communities?

A. Jews

B. Muslims

C. Hindus

D. Shinto


9.14th September is celebrated as

A. Engineers Days

B. National Hindi Divas

C. National Voters Day

D. World Cancer Day


10.1981 was the international year of the

A. Disabled

B. Women

C. Children

D. Blind

The UN General Assembly has proclaimed 1981 as the International Year of Disabled Persons (IYDP).


Answer Key :-

1 (D), 2(D), 3(D), 4(D), 5(D), 6(C), 7(B), 8(A), 9(B), 10(A)
