1. The centenary of Mahatma Gandhi's arrival in South Africa was celebrated in
A. May 1993
B. August 1993
C. July 1993
D. September 1993
2. National Maritime Day falls on
A. April 5
B. June 5
C. October 5
D. September 5
3. Journalist Day was celebrated for the first time all over the country on
A. Oct. 20, 1984
B. Oct. 1, 1984
C. Oct 28, 1984
D. Oct. 8, 1984
4.The United Nations declared 1993 as a year of the
A. disabled
B. forests
C. girl child
D. indigenous people
5.The World Environment Day is celebrated on
A. April 7
B. June 5
C. August 6
D. June 16
6.The first death anniversary day of Sri Rajiv Gandhi was observed as the
A. National Integration Day
B. Peace and Love Day
C. Secularism Day
D. Anti-Terrorism Day
7.20th August is celebrated as
A. Earth Day
B. Sadbhavana Divas
C. No Tobacco Day
D. None of these
Rajiv Gandhi's birthday is celebrated as Sadbhawana Diwas on 20th August.
8.'Teacher's Day' is observed on which of the date?
A. September 5
B. January 30
C. November 14
D. October 2
9.When is the International Workers' Day?
A. 15th April
B. 12th December
C. 1st May
D. 1st August
10.The year 1991 was observed in India as the year of
A. Population control
B. Girl child
C. Literacy
D. Tourism
Answer Key :-
1 (A), 2(A), 3(C), 4(D), 5(B), 6(D), 7(B), 8(A), 9(C), 10(D)
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